Thursday, January 28, 2010

Mid-Term Review Session Information

We have our second review session:

Tuesday, February 2, 2010
in CSC 121B
from 7:10-9:00 pm

The entrance for lecture hall CSC 121 B is located in the connector building between CSC and Copeland Hall (directly across the street from Bentley Hall and Bentley Annex).

Also, please feel free to post topics or questions that you would like to be covered during the review session in the comments section of this blog post. This will help us structure the review session in a way that addresses any questions you may have.


  1. Is it just me or does the review sheet cover mostly stuff we didnt take notes on?

  2. I think it would be best to go over the exact questions that are on the review sheet and to post those answers on the overhead during the review session. I feel that the last session didnt really help because many of us were unable to hear the answers that were given. Going over the exact answers for the review sheet will give us time to make sure we understand the answer and will also give us time to be able to apply those things to different situations.

  3. well the review session that was last night was really unhelpful and the TA's didnt know what to do except laughing. they were supposed to answer the question but it seemed that they didnt know the answers.

  4. I totally agree with you Meedo.I just do not understand how that could have helped anyone.Maybe the guys should be in charge of review sessions from now on. I do not believe the girls take it seriously and that upsets me.

  5. I agree with the past two comments. I feel as if the study session barely helped me at all because I either could not hear the answers or they weren't explained enough to actually understand the concepts.
