Monday, March 8, 2010

Plenty of Opportunity

Several folks expressed concern about wanting to finish with a better grade than they currently have. I want everyone to be clear that there is still plenty of opportunity to improve. There are still about 40 pts of extra credit available, plus improvement between the midterm and final, plus the remaining assignments. You can get a rough estimate of you will likely do on the final grade by adding your current score to your estimate of the # of points you expect from the remaining assignments.


  1. When is the review session? And I'm really appreciative of all the extra credit opportunities. My history professor is only offering for us to go see a speaker for an hour, write a two page paper on it, and then if it's a great paper the maximum bonus is 5 points!

    That's a lot of work for (hopefully) 5 points - but I guess in life, every little bit counts - but it's awesome to have so much opportunity for this class!

  2. There will be a review session in class this Thursday. There will also be one during exam week. I believe it will be scheduled for Tuesday in the afternoon. I will ask the grad students if one of them will post an announcement about it, including time and location.

    Thanks about the class. I tend to believe that effort is the most important ingredient for learning in these types of classes. In fact, hard work is probably the most important key to success and learning in upper level courses too.

  3. Welser, can you start a thread about the Gapminder extra credit?

  4. I am trying to do the gapminder project but I dont fully understand does anyone know to like put ypour information into the graph
