Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Jordan's Twitter Account

A couple of weeks ago we talked about role models. I posted an image of Neil deGrasse Tyson, and asked if people knew who he was. Folks didn't know him, be certainly everyone knew who Michael Jordan was. The really cool thing about the image above is that Michael Jordan appreciates Neil Tyson, and a great deal more. Jordan, via his Twitter account, seems like a much more complete role model than his basketball fame would suggest.

Just an interesting connection that I ran across today.


  1. I found it very interesting how popular twitter has become. Twitter is not the same as a facebook or myspace. It is not nearly as complex and there is nothing else to do besides "tweet". What is astonishing to me the most is that millions of people are following famous atheletes, musicians, and stars on here. This gives the fan a better chance to interact with their favorite stars. To me, I feel as though tweeting on twitter is the same as your updating your status on facebook. I am not complaining about twitter, I just find it very interesting how popular it has truly become.

  2. I never would have expected michael jordan to be an all around good guy .. I approve.. and I really like what he said about the children and the olympics.. He seems like such a wise person .. I guess you learn something new everyday.
