Monday, February 8, 2010

Monday, February 8, 2010 Notes

We talked about stratification in class today. We looked at stratification in the context of income distribution. There are several consequences of economic disparities including but not limited to: life expectancy and access (to education, healthcare, etc).

Marx examined class from the perspective of ownership. There are two classifications within this systems--those who own the means of production (i.e. owning the land, factories, corporations) and those who are the workers. However, Marx's theory has often been considered to be too simplistic as it focuses solely on a two-class economic system.

Weber generated the three P's of stratification:
  • Property (Class): Control and Ownership
  • Prestige (Status): Position That Accords Merits and Rewards
  • Power (Party): Influence, Relations, and Position


  1. don't forget; youre either a pimp or a hoe

  2. that was the highlight of my day! haha

  3. Marx's theory has often been considered to be too simplistic as it focuses solely on a two-class economic system. What does this mean?? in his day, it was only a two class system.
